


All prospective graduate students are required to fulfill the general admission requirements of the 研究生 School, 以及各自专业的具体入学要求. 有关一般和特定课程入学要求的信息, 以及使用说明, 请访问以下链接.

Pursuing a graduate degree at Xavier University of Louisiana can help you achieve career success, 个人成长, 以及工作满意度. e世博esball大学排名第一. 3名hbcu学生被U.S. e世博esball,并以其随时准备离开的理念而闻名全国, 卓越教育, 致力于为所有人建立一个公正和人道的社会. e世博esball大学将为你提供良好的教育,使你成为一名领导者. 以下是在e世博esball大学攻读研究生学位的一些好处:

  • 你将获得在就业市场上高需求的知识和技能.
  • You will network with other professionals and build relationships that can help you advance your career.
  • You will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will make you a more effective employee.
  • You will have the opportunity to conduct research and contribute to the field of your study.
  • You will be challenged academically and intellectually, which will help you grow as a person.

If you are looking for an advanced education to help you achieve your career goals and stand out in a competitive job market, 看看路易斯安那州的e世博esball大学就知道了.



  • 地区认可的学院或大学的硕士学位,至少3分.0的绩点
  • 最低GRE总分294分或MAT总分391分优先考虑,但不是必需的
  • 两封推荐信
  • 个人陈述/兴趣陈述,详细说明你为什么选择这个项目和e世博esball大学?
  • A writing sample is also required (a writing prompt will be provided to applicants during the application process)


  • 在线申请
  • 出席会议的所有本科和研究生院校的正式成绩单
  • GRE或MAT成绩优先,但不是必需的
  • 两封推荐信
  • 个人陈述,详细说明你为什么选择这个项目以及为什么选择e世博esball大学?
  • 应邀请成功完成在线面试


  • 地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位,至少2分.5平均绩点
  • GRE/MAT成绩是必需的,没有最低分数
  • 两封推荐信
  • 个人陈述/statement of interest detailing why you have chosen this program of study
  • 入选的申请者将被邀请参加小组面试


  • 在线申请
  • 出席会议的所有本科和研究生院校的正式成绩单
  • GRE/MAT成绩是必需的,没有最低分数
  • 两封推荐信
  • 利益声明书

The 教育领导文学硕士 is designed for individuals looking for leadership roles in education as 校长, 校长助理, 或者中央办公室管理员. Educational Leadership - Professional preparation in Educational Leadership is offered with specialization in the following area:

  • 教育领导-建设水平K - 12认证跟踪,和
  • 教育领导-非认证轨道.


  • 地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位,至少2.5平均绩点
  • Minimum 研究生 Record Examination (GRE) scores of 280 or Miller Analogies Test (MAT) scores of 380 are preferred but not required
  • 两封推荐信
  • 兴趣陈述,详细说明你为什么选择你的学习项目


This advanced level program provides kindergarten to grade 12 perspectives of educational issues that impact teaching and learning. 它旨在培养教育工作者成为教师的领导者, 校长, 以及中央办公室管理员. The program meets current Louisiana state requirements for the required coursework f或者更高的学位 and state Educational Leadership certification 或者更高的学位, 只有. To complete the certification process the applicant 必须 pass the state licensure examination, hold a valid Type A teacher certificate and have evidence of three successful years of teaching.


  • EDLD 5000 -有远见的领导力
  • edd5000i -远见领袖实习
  • EDCG 5000 -统计
  • EDLD 5015 -协作领导
  • EDLD 5015I -协作领导实习
  • edld5570 -学校人事和财务管理
  • edld5570i -学校人事管理与财务实习
  • edld5540 -教育法
  • edd5540i -教育法实习
  • EDLD 5060 -课程进展
  • EDLD 5060I -课程发展实习
  • EDLD 5020 -监督教学和评估
  • EDLD 5020I -指导和评估实习监督
  • EDCG 5010 -研究方法
  • EDLD 5040 -组织领导
  • EDLD 5040I -组织领导实习
  • edld5580 -顶点研讨会教育领导人
  • edd5999 -教育领导综合考试


学生 必须 register for comprehensive examinations at the beginning of the semester in which they expect to complete their program of study.


  • 完成网上申请- 
  • 两份专业推荐信
  • 2.5平均绩点
  • GRE/MAT成绩是必需的,没有最低分数
  • 必须通过实务一(职前技能测试)
  • An ACT composite score of 22 or an SAT combined verbal/critical reading and math score of 1100 or higher (New SAT) or 1030 or higher (pre-March 2016 SAT) may be used in lieu of Praxis 1 Core Academic Skills for Educators exams in reading, 由路易斯安那州的准教师讲授写作和数学. 
  •  必须通过实践二(内容考试)
  • All applicants 必须 be health cleared through Student Health Services prior to registration.


  • 在线申请
  • 出席会议的所有本科和研究生院校的正式成绩单
  • GRE/MAT成绩是必需的,没有最低分数
  • 练习I和II的分数
  • 两封推荐信
  • 利益声明书


  • 如果申请人的ACT成绩达到22分(综合成绩),实践1可以被免除。, SAT成绩1030分(综合口头/批判性阅读和数学), 或者更高的学位.


我们确实为在职教师和其他教育人员提供25%的学费折扣 只有 在秋季和春季学期. 

注意: 夏季课程不符合折扣条件. 在暑期学校期间,大学对同样的课程打折. This places Xavier summer school at one of the lowest graduate tuition rates in New Orleans.

请联系教育和咨询部的Ahdija Donatto for additional details about the eligibility requirements and process for receiving this discount. 


  • 地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位
  • 至少有2个.75年平均绩点
  • GRE成绩优先,但不是必需的
  • 三封推荐信
  • 利益声明书/personal statement (one page) addressing the following topics: 1) What are your interests in public health and why are you planning to pursue an MPH? 2) What are your future career goals and what have you done either academically or professionally to guide your interest in public health?


  • 在线申请
  • 出席会议的所有本科和研究生院校的正式成绩单
  • GRE成绩优先,但不是必需的
  • 三封推荐信
  • 利益声明书 (one page) addressing the following topics: 1) What are your interests in public health and why are you planning to pursue an MPH?  2) What are your future career goals and what have you done either academically or professionally to guide your interest in public health?


  • 地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位,至少2分.5平均绩点
  • 最低GRE成绩280分或MAT成绩380分优先,但不是必需的
  • 三封推荐信
    • Two academic letters from professors familiar with the student's academic work and one ministerial letter from a pastor or pastoral staff person familiar with the student's work in their church and/or community


  • 在线申请
  • 出席会议的所有本科和研究生院校的正式成绩单
  • GRE或MAT成绩
  • 三封推荐信
  • 利益声明书



• Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university with a preferred overall 3.平均绩点为0,优先考虑.沟通科学和障碍课程平均绩点2分  

        *Applicants who do not meet the preferred grade point average may be considered for conditional admission based on their last 60 hours of semester credit.

  • 3封推荐信,2封学术推荐信,1封专业推荐信 
  • 就读过的所有学院或大学的正式成绩单
  • 成功完成面对面的面试,应邀请.
  • 个人陈述

         *作为申请过程的一部分, applicants 必须 clearly express in writing their views on cultural and linguistic diversity.

  • 研究生入学考试(GRE)成绩要求包括280分优先综合得分.  (语言 & 定量推理),写作成绩3分优先.0


          *学生 who are not native speakers of English will be required to pass the TOEFL and demonstrate English speaking comprehension skills appropriate for service delivery. 托福笔试成绩不低于600分, 网上考试100分, 必须在最近两年内参加的考试中获得. 学生可能会被转介去接受口音矫正或ESL教学.


  • 在线申请
  • 出席会议的所有本科和研究生院校的正式成绩单
  • 需要GRE或MAT成绩
  • 三封推荐信
  • 个人陈述-作为申请过程的一部分, applicants 必须 clearly express in writing their views on cultural and linguistic diversity
  • 成功完成面对面的面试,应邀请


*学生 will be notified in March about their application decision for the upcoming Fall semester"


In addition to the documents required for a specific program of interest; all 大学 or University transcripts 必须 用英语.  如果在非英语学院或大学接受教育,a Course-by-Course 对学院或大学工作的评估 必须 由美国外国证书评估机构进行评估 NACES评估机构. 推荐使用SPANTRAN. 通过链接使用SPANTRAN的申请人将获得10%的评估折扣. 请通过SPANTRAN访问评估应用程序 在这里.

英语语言能力对你在e世博esball大学的成功至关重要. Applicants who have completed all or some high school or secondary school in a country w在这里 English was not the language of instruction, 将被要求通过填写 作为外语的英语考试 (托福) 国际英语语言测试服务 (雅思).

However, TOEFL and IELTS scores are not required for applicants with English as the native language.


  • 托福:纸考550分
  • 互联网- 80
  • 雅思:7.0


最后是e世博esball大学 经济资助证明书 (还需要一份公证表格,表明谁将支付出席费用).


上学期未入学的在校生必须重新申请入学. 研究生 students seeking readmission 必须 submit a readmission application prior to registration. 请提交你的重新入学申请 在这里.